Are you think finding boy names that start with n is difficult? Never Because we are listed most unique names which have good meaning. A ensure you in this article you definitely get some you test name.
These are not random names, after hard research, we got some unique, short, boy names that start with n and those are here.
Explore in Contents
Boy Names that Start with N
Our first list is most important Hopefully here you get boy names starting with n also known meaning. Specially I want to request you read till the end to explore differently Origin n names boys.
Names | Origin | Meaning |
Naaman | Hebrew | Be pleasant |
Nabeel | Arabic | Noble |
Neille | Irish | Champion |
Nripesh | Indian | king of kings |
Narcis | Greek | Sleep; Numbness |
Nefen | German | Son of the siblings. |
Nien | Vietnamese | year |
Nixon | Irish | son of Nicolas |
Niven | French | new village |
Nivedh | Indian | offering to God |
Nisan | Hebrew | miracle |
Naiz | Persian | gift |
Naiser | African | founder of clans |
Nisse | German | Victory of the people. |
Neon | Greek | Strong; New; One who is Strong |
Nitin | Indian | master of the right path |
Nuris | Arabic | Light |
Nathan | German | Protector, Master, Lord, Chief |
Norris | English | from the north |
Nunzio | Italian | messenger |
Nereus | Greek | water |
Novak | Slavic | new |
Niels | Danish | the victory of people |
Nusaib | Arabic | Warner |
Neel | German | minute as per time, split second |
Nimish | Indian | minute as per time, split second |
Nuwair | Arabic | Little Flower |
Nikhil | Greek | Whole, Complete, Entire |
Nuzair | Arabic | Cautioner |
Nicolay | German | Victor of the People |
Neelam | Indian | emerald |
Nusran | Arabic | Northern town |
Arabic Boy Names that Start with N
Here you see some Arabic boy names that start with n and these are the most popular names.
Names | Origin | Meaning |
Naahil | Arabic | Eldest Son of Azria |
Naaman | Arabic | Pleasant; Delightful |
Naasi | Arabic | Obvious; Evident |
Naasir | Arabic | Protector |
Nadeem | Arabic | Companion, Friend |
Naem | Arabic | God Gift |
Nafil | Arabic | Generous |
Nahash | Arabic | Snake; Serpent |
Nahwan | Arabic | Wise; Intelligent |
Najim | Arabic | Star |
Najmal | Arabic | Star; Moon |
Nakier | Arabic | Refuse |
Namvar | Arabic | Famous |
Nanjee | Arabic | Safe |
Naquan | Arabic | Caring; Loving |
Narin | Arabic | Superior |
Nasarulla | Arabic | Victory of Allah |
Naseer | Arabic | One who helps |
Nassir | Arabic | protector |
Naufal | Arabic | Generous Leader |
Nayab | Arabic | Unique; Rare; Precious |
Nayil | Arabic | Winner; Gainer |
Neihan | Arabic | Bright; Joy |
Nevan | Arabic | protector |
Nuraj | Arabic | Treasure of Noor |
Read more: Unique Baby Girl Names That Start with B with Meaning
German Boy Names that Start with N
Germany is a good country, So now the time to know what kind of names they are using. When should a baby start potty training?

Name | Origin | Meaning |
Nabor | German | The Prophet’s Light |
Nadir | German | Beloved, Uncommon, Pinnacle |
Nagib | German | Excellent, Noble, Intelligent |
Naiser | German | Rose; Founder of Clans |
Namik | German | Famous |
Narin | German | Superior |
Natan | German | God has Given, Prophet |
Naum | German | Comforter; Penitent |
Nazir | German | Observer, Supervisor, Little |
Nefen | German | Nephew |
Nelson | German | Son of a Champion |
Nick | German | Victory |
Nicolay | German | Victor of the People |
Nazir | German | Observer, Supervisor, Little |
Nefen | German | Nephew |
Nigel | German | Dark Cloud, Champion, Dark Night |
Niklos | German | Victorious |
Norbert | German | Brilliant Hero |
Norvin | German | A friend from the North |
Nurhan | German | Brilliant Rose |
Indian Boy Names that Start with N
Names | Origin | Meaning |
Nabendu | Indian | new moon |
Nachik | Indian | A short form of Nachiketa |
Nadish | Indian | Ocean |
Nagesh | Indian | God of serpents |
Naimish | Indian | insider, momentary |
Nalesh | Indian | King of flowers |
Narendra | Indian | Lord of men |
Natesh | Indian | king |
Naval | Indian | wonder |
Navaj | Indian | newly born |
Naveen | Indian | new |
Navrang | Indian | beautiful |
Neelesh | Indian | moon |
Nehal | Indian | rainy; handsome |
Nikhil | Indian | complete, entire, last one |
Nilesh | Indian | blue god |
Nimit | Indian | Destiny |
Nipun | Indian | expert |
Nirav | Indian | Quiet, silent |
Nirbhik | Indian | Fearless |
Nirish | Indian | free, without any owner |
Nirvan | Indian | liberated |
Nishan | Indian | Target, Signature, Third Eye |
Nishat | Indian | A tree |
Nissim | Indian | unbounded |
Cristian Boy Names that Start with N
Cristian boy names that start with N with meaning, I personally like this list, if you want to know then you have to check out, just see the list. Hey, Diapering Your Baby at Night – Keep These Things in Mind.

Names | Origin | Meaning |
Nuhro | Cristian | Holy light |
Norice | Cristian | A term used for caretaker |
Nisse | Cristian | The victory of the people |
Nikoli | Cristian | Nikoli is the Estonian form of Nicholas |
Nikanor | Cristian | Victory |
Nigul | Cristian | Estonian form of Nicholas |
Nicolau | Cristian | Brazilian variant of Nicholas |
Nev | Cristian | New village |
Nety | Cristian | Variation of Antonia which means Priceless one |
Neno | Cristian | Chamorro term of endearment for boys. |
Nelu | Cristian | Romanian pet form of Ion |
Neculai | Cristian | Romanian form of Nikolaos |
Natori | Cristian | Bird |
Natanail | Cristian | Bulgarian form of Nathanael |
Narfi | Cristian | His wave |
Nandru | Cristian | Romanian form of Frithnanth |
Namacuix | Cristian | King |
Nagodeallah | Cristian | I thank God. |
Nacek | Cristian | Variation of Ignatius which means Fiery |
Naade | Cristian | A boy who is born in royalty |
Nash | Cristian | Romanian form of Frithnanth |
Neill | Cristian | Champion; Form of Neil |
Nickolas | Cristian | The victory of the People |
Nimrod | Cristian | Rebellion; Bowman |
Norton | Cristian | From the Northern Town |
Also read: Unique Baby Girl Names that Start with S with Meaning
Latin Boy Names that Start with N
I think Latin girl names little more good than boy names, but it does not mean Latin boy names that start with n are bad. You have to see the list.
Names | Origin | Meaning |
Nahilus | Latin | Noble |
Nardo | Latin | Strong, Hardy |
Narius | Latin | Cheerful |
Natale | Latin | Christmas, Birthday |
Natalio | Latin | Born at Christmas, Birthday |
Naval | Latin | Wonder |
Nemorio | Latin | Strong, Hardy |
Niels | Latin | People’s Triumph |
Nunzio | Latin | Messenger |
Novah | Latin | New |
Nostriano | Latin | Is from Our Homeland |
Norris | Latin | Northerner, Nurse, Caretaker |
Nono | Latin | Ninth-born Child |
Nonnie | Latin | Ninth |
Nonie | Latin | The Ninth-born Child |
Nona | Latin | Ninth |
Nollie | Latin | Olive Tree |
Noll | Latin | Ninth-born Child |
Nohle | Latin | Noble |
Noelle | Latin | Form of Noel – Christmas |
Austrailian Boy Names that Start with N
Name | Origin | Meaning |
Nahele | Australian | Forest |
Nantai | Australian | Chief |
Nasi | Australian | Obvious, Evident |
Nathen | Australian | God has Given, Gift of God |
Neil | Australian | Champion |
Nelsen | Australian | Passionate, Cloud, Champion |
Neville | Australian | From the New Village, New Town |
Nihal | Australian | Gratified, Delighted, Happy |
Nikki | Australian | The victory of the People |
Norman | Australian | Surname, Northerner |
Norval | Australian | From the Northern Town |
Noton | Australian | The Wind |
Nuka | Australian | My Younger Brother |
Nygel | Australian | Dark night |
Nyles | Australian | Champion |
Nedra | Australian | Below the Earth |
Neiman | Australian | Newcomer |
Nethel | Australian | Gift |
Nijo | Australian | World Rider |
Nixen | Australian | Son of Nick |
Greek Boy Names that Start with N
Greek boy names that start with N are on the last list hope you enjoy this also.

Names | Origin | Meaning |
Narcis | Greek | Sleep; Numbness |
Narcisse | Greek | Daffodil. |
Narcyz | Greek | Sleep; Torpor; Numb |
Narkis | Greek | Daffodil. |
Neandro | Greek | Young and Manly |
Neleus | Greek | Son of Poseidon |
Nemos | Greek | From the Glen |
Nereus | Greek | A Lamp |
Nereo | Greek | The Captain at Sea |
Nerio | Greek | Sea Traveller; Water |
Nestor | Greek | Wisdom, Voyager, Traveller Wisdom |
Niceas | Greek | One who is of the Great Victory |
Nicoll | Greek | People’s Victory |
Nikitas | Greek | Victory |
Niklos | Greek | Victorious |
Niles | Greek | The one who is very much attractive in talking. |
Nikula | Greek | Nikula is a variant of Nikolas and means victory of the people. |
Nigul | Greek | Estonian form of Nicholas. It means victory for the people. |
Neculai | Greek | Romanian form of Nikolaos, meaning the victor of the people. |
Nikanor | Greek | Victorious |
Randam Boy names that start with N
- Naal
- Naalnish
- Naaman
- Nab
- Nabeel
- Nabi
- Ulmalhamsh
- Nabil
- Nacham
- Nachman
- Nachmann
- Nachshon
- Nachson
- Nachton
- Nachum
- Nadav
- Nadeem
- Nadeer
- Nadeir
- Nader
- Nadim
- Nadir
- Nadiv
- Naeem
- Naegel
- Nael
- Naftali
- Naftalie
- Nagarjuna
- Nageeb
- Nagel
- Nageler
- Nagelle
- Nagib
- Nagid
- Nagisa
- Nagle
- Nagler
- Naguib
- Nahcomence
- Naheer
- Nahele
- Nahiossi
- Nahir
- Nahom
- Nahuatl
- Nahuel
- Nahum
- Naif
- Nail
- Nailer
- Nailor
- Naim
- Nainoa
- Nairi
- Nairn
- Nairne
- Nairobi
- Naisbit
- Naisbitt
- Naiser
- Najee
- Najeeb
- Naji
- Najib
- Najinca
- Najjar
- Nakai
- Nakoa
- Naksh
- Nakula
- Nalani
- Naldo
- Nalin
- Nally
- Nalo
- Nalunani
- Nam
- Naman
- Namas
- Nameen
- Nameer
- Namid
- Namir
- Nana
- Nanak
- Nandan
- Nando
- Nanne
- Nanni
- Nansen
- Nantai
- Nantres
- Naois
- Naoki
- Naolin
- Naomhan
- Naoto
- Naoya
- Nap
- Napayshni
- Napeu
- Napezi
- Naphtali
- Naphthali
- Napier
- Napoleon
- Napoleone
- Napowsa
- Narain
- Naranbaatar
- Narayana
- Narcisco
- Narciso
- Narcisse
- Narcissus
- Nard
- Nardo
- Narek
- Naren
- Naresh
- Narkissos
- Narses
- Naruto
- Narvel
- Nasareo
- Nasarrio
- Naseem
- Naseer
- Naser
- Nash
- Nasha
- Nashoba
- Nashua
- Nasim
- Nasir
- Nasli
- Nasr
- Nasser
- Nassir
- Nassor
- Nastas
- Nat
- Nata
- Natal
- Natale
- Natalino
- Natalio
- Nataly
- Natan
- Natanael
- Natania
- Nataniel
- Nate
- Nates
- Nathair
- Nathan
- Nathanael
- Nathaneal
- Nathanial
- Nathaniel
- Nathanyal
- Nathanyel
- Nathen
- Nathon
- Nathrach
- Nathraichean
- Natine
- Natividad
- Natsu
- Natty
- Nature
- Naughton
- Navarre
- Navarro
- Naveed
- Naveen
- Navid
- Navon
- Navy
- Nawaf
- Nawat
- Nawkaw
- Nayan
- Nayati
- Nayef
- Naylor
- Nazaire
- Nazar
- Nazareth
- Nazario
- Nazarius
- Nazaro
- Nazir
- Nazor
- Nazzareno
- Neakail
- Neal
- Neale
- Neall
- Nealle
- Nealon
- Nealson
- Neander
- Neason
- Nebo
- Nebraska
- Necalli
- Nechemia
- Nechemiah
- Nechemya
- Necho
- Nechtan
- Nechten
- Nechum
- Neckarios